You : When Faced by a brilliency

Any better person than us comes with some options left for us when we start comparing ourselves with him/her. Any of the following situations may happen depends on what type of person you are.

1. You genuinely accept he/she is genius and start admiring him, and do nothing for yourself.

2. You accept he/she is genius but you pretend you don’t care about it, and you skip facing him/her.
3. You find him as a better person to compete with and hence find new ways to win the race, and improve yourself.
4. You accept the truth that u r lagging and feel happy to learn things which makes him/her a better person, hence improving yourself.
5. You start finding faults in him/her and criticize for no reason in the frustration came out of comparison, hence getting no positive outcome in your condition.
6. In worst case you try to dominate the person with misuse of your power or even try to throw him out of the race, hence securing your image with no improvement.
7. You face immense frustration for your weakness as you r lagging and you leave the race, hence distracting yourself from your actual aim and changing the field with great loss.
8.You accept him/her as your next challenge and keeping the race in priority to gain the top position , hence getting the most beneficial outcome of comparison.
It’s good to find the factors in people, which make them different from us and more successful. Such comparison introduces situations which force you to move on and not to compromise with your current position.
You : When Faced by a brilliency You  : When Faced by a brilliency Reviewed by Akshay on 11:49 PM Rating: 5

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