Through some or the other way, I hear this word every day. People commit extreme crimes like killing others and killing themselves because they think they are depressed.
I would like to tell you a story. Story of my parents. My parents left their parent's home with four kids, without any job, without any references. Raised four kids in one single room for many years. Then two very small rooms until I was in the class 10th. They faced issues with their own family members and close relatives. Faced money issues but dint create any liabilities. Solved all issues with good deeds and thoughts. Educated all four of us. All on their own. They still stand firm for us and are available for us whenever we need them. They are proud of what they are.
What's interesting in the above story is, I never heard a single time that they are depressed. I never sensed any feelings of demotivated or being lost.
You know why? Simply because they didn't know these big terms.
The problem with the modern world is that the modern world people always seek something new. They get washed away with things around them. They relate and compare themselves with others. They don't count what they have already got or achieved. Rather they count their setbacks. They are way too selfish. They just live for satisfying themselves throughout life. And at some point in life when life throws a hard path in front of them, they feel lost.
We have to redefine life. We have to clearly identify what's fake and what's real. We have to see World from the neutral glass. We have to possess the strengths that our parents had. We have to develop a certain ignorance for certain things. We have to learn how to make complicated problems simple.
Have you lost your job? Have you lost your closed one? Are you not able to earn enough? Are you facing problems? So what? That isn't the end of the world, right? It just means that you are at the wrong station of life. Catch the next correct train and reach your desired destination. That's it. All it takes is time and effort. If you are ready to give efforts, nothing can stop you from achieving what you want. Give time to things. Give time to let things settle. Don't expect results quickly.
Whenever you have problems, look at the people who have more server problems than you and are still living a happy life.
Share your problems with someone. Try to figure out what went wrong. Fix it. Move on.
Depression is a man-made decease. You say yourself that you are depressed, you will feel depressed. You say that you are happy, you will be happy. It's all about how you train your brain. It's easy to fool your brain. Just keep saying all good things to it and it will keep you happy in return. If you develop a habit of looking at problems as if they are already solved, you will solve them within no time and with no stress.
Think for the long run. Don't look for short term profits. Your short term emotions can affect a lot of people around you. Think about your parents, your kids, all the good people in the world, all the good things that have happened to you in the past. I bet, nothing can break the peace of your mind. No chance of feeling depressed. Remove this word from your dictionary. Tell yourself that this word is not for you. Tell yourself that you deserve a better life and better mental health.
And strongly believe in "LAW OF ATTRACTION". It works. It really does.
Take care.
Depressin :( -> :)
Reviewed by Akshay
8:29 AM

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