Why to go WRONG ?? If u can achive more with RIGHT ...

Wrong way have no reasons to follow it but Right way have.
Right ways have nothing to loose but Wrong way have.
Wrong way has nothing to be remembered but Right way has.

I often think on ," Why do people choose wrong way?? " but i couldn't get any answer and i know , no one can. The answer to this is ,  may be because , Wrong ways seems so easy and overwhelming to walk on than the Right ones.

The WRIGHT WAY here represents all the positive personalities , there positive activities , there positive actions and all other ways those leads to peace.
No doubt then the WRONG WAY is representing all the negative people with destructive thinking ,actions and violations of the rules that a HUMAN BEING is supposed to follow.

I believe that anyone can get whatever he wants to achieve by a legal way.If at all we are getting something more easily with someone ease's loss that victory is countless.That joy of victory has no potential  than the one when you get victory from a legal way.

If at all he refuses , every person who is doing a wrong work has fear somewhere in his mind that someone will reveal his theft.
Isn't it better to live freely then , than living with a lifetime fear.?

Why to go WRONG ?? If u can achive more with RIGHT ... Why to go WRONG ?? If u can achive more with RIGHT ... Reviewed by Akshay on 12:47 PM Rating: 5


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