Rubix cube was a part of my interest once..
I got some videos and tricks for solving it in short time..Here are they..
ALGORITHMS for three levels..
Layer One :
For first level you purely need your own logics.
The very first step is to get the plus sign on any side.
this plus sign will be of the color of its center cubie.
After getting the plus sign go for adjusting the corners of the first layer.
Layer Two :
In second layer you just need to adjust the center cubies.
Layer Three :
For getting the cross : F U R FI RI UI
For orienting cross : R U RI U R U U RI
For positioning corners : U R UI LI U RI UI L
For orienting corners : RI DI R D
Now just download following Videos to understand above steps in detail.
Video part 1I got some videos and tricks for solving it in short time..Here are they..
ALGORITHMS for three levels..
Layer One :
For first level you purely need your own logics.
The very first step is to get the plus sign on any side.
this plus sign will be of the color of its center cubie.
After getting the plus sign go for adjusting the corners of the first layer.
Layer Two :
In second layer you just need to adjust the center cubies.
Layer Three :
For getting the cross : F U R FI RI UI
For orienting cross : R U RI U R U U RI
For positioning corners : U R UI LI U RI UI L
For orienting corners : RI DI R D
Now just download following Videos to understand above steps in detail.
Video part 2
Rubix Cube
Reviewed by Akshay
8:17 AM

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