INDIAN culture is full of festivals. We celebrate hundreds of festivals
all over the year. These festivals are celebrated depending upon what our
history tells us. Every festival has its own significance and meaning. Our
festivals are only and only intended to make the bond between people stronger
by letting them gather on these occasions.
DIPAWALI is one of the most important festivals of INDIA and is
celebrated by the whole family together. This festival of Lamps and Sweets is
celebrated in the memory of triumph of good
over evil. When Lord RAMA returned to AYODHYA people welcomed him with lamps.
This continued and the festival is named as DEEPAWALI..
It is the
festival of bringing all together and worshiping Goddess Lakshmi.. Decorating
our homes by lightnings and make Goddess Lakshmi feel welcome. Our traditional
ways of celebrating Deepawali are so meaningful and representing happiness.
These traditions are only and only part of INDIAN history and culture.
Though we
are having such a great heritage from gods, are we not making use of it? Are we
about to lose it?
From year
to year the way we celebrate Deepawali is changing. The festival of light has
turned out to be the festival of CRACKERS.. The festival of sweets has turned
out to be the festival of POLLUTION.
The fun
out of EXPLODING CRACKERS costs deep effects on our lives. Apart from an
instantaneous fun there is no other positive thing about crackers for which we
should use them.
Crackers not only create problems to us but they also contribute to serious
global environmental issues.
Sound Pollution and Air Pollution made by crackers are too
serious than the fun we get from them.
When I proposed
concept of Eco-friendly Deepawali 2012 to my friends, one of my friend
put a question on me that due to people like me INDIAN culture is getting
vanished. According to him we should not leave the way in which our festivals
are supposed to celebrate. Further he added “why should we adjust for the sake
of others problems?”………well I just laughed and said, these problems are not
somebody else’s, they are ours .Tomorrow when these global environmental problems
will be amplified, they will not leave you a chance to come out of that…
culture never said us to use harmful chemicals in crackers; it never said us to
make bigger sounds from crackers than your neighbour. So not using crackers is
not at all like demolishing the culture.
side of using crackers:
1. Crackers create heavy Sound Pollution…
2. Crackers
create heavy Air Pollution..
year thousands of childs get body harms due to Crackers..
4. Every
year at least a couple of crackers industry gets fired and causes death to
the workers working there..
Over above all , the one and only one positive point about crackers is
instantaneous fun.
This fun is too much countless in front of above problems..
still we never discuss about THE CHANGE. We never take any step towards
So this time I humbly request all of you to start this change journey…
Are we changing the meaning of DEEPAWALI ??
Reviewed by Akshay
12:50 PM

Its my 3rd continuous year of "ECO-FRIENDLY" Diwali.... :) pleasure...
ReplyDeleteThat's nice..:) Keep spreading the massage to your close ones..