This morning i woke up with very serious questions in my mind.
will it really happen what we call "WORLD'S END" ? will 21/12/2012 be the real DOOMSDAY ?? will it finish everything ? will it erase human existence ? will it give second chance for good ones ? will someone survive ? or if they survived ,will they be the next IDOLS? will it again start form AMOEBA and PARAMECIUM ? What will make us come out of that ? will GOD come in a new FACE to save the EARTH ?..and too many similar ones which have no answers.Rather a normal person can not answer this.
The concept of WORLDS END itself is like taking the breath away for me.Imagine....Billions of people,Millions of Traditions and languages,Traditional and cultural heritage,Billions of Cities and Villages,Universities,Temples,Houses,Farms,Forests,Childrens,Womens,Animals,Birds...everything n everything will be destroyed in seconds....
Its really like a worst dream anyone can get.But what if this dream turned out to be a real one? - Nobody knows the answer.
With the fear of ENDING the world if we really look back and see what we HUMANS have done and what we were actually meant for ?
what all were our true duties and how we completed them ?
What all were the tracks that the HUMANS were supposed to follow and what we have been following ?
Human is the best creature of the nature.We all humans are of different faces,voices,shapes and sizes,different thinking,different potentials,Different attitudes and most worth DIFFERENT Goals...but whats common between all of us is our birth place-EARTH ,Our Creator-GOD,Our sustainer-Mother Land.
Instead of being childs of same MOTHER EARTH, we HUMANS have been looting her as much as we can in all possible ways..
so instead of being the best creature HUMAN is being the most selfish animal who has been gifted with capacity to think which he intend to use 4 his own benefit.He s the only animal having developed brain and six sharp senses ,although he uses them for his protection.Intelligence is the factor which makes him live better than other animals of nature.And he has no sense how to use it to prove that he s not like other animals.
But this story is not really true for all of them..
Still millions of people exist who care for others,who love to let others live, who treats this MOTHER EARTH as there own mother,Who watch this whole earth as there own home and they always try to make it ,now our duty is to find out whats most beneficial for us ? Being a true child of mother earth or looting her all the way possible ?
Coming back to world's end..many people say that "World will not be ending this early.It will take millions of centuries to come the DOOMSDAY.."
OK for the instance if we think that World wont finish on 21/12/2012 but this topic is not of that less importance..if we continue what we are doing now,World will definitely end.!!..Either the Fuel,Water,Trees,Oxygen will end or the Earth will loose its food growing capacity..probables will me more serious and this will be leading towards gradual death of all of us.
But rather, “What if we took literally everything that all the various cultures have to tell us about human potential—about spiritual growth, psychological growth, social growth—and put it all on the table? What if we attempted to find the critically essential keys to human growth, based on the sum total of human knowledge now open to us? What if we attempted, based on extensive cross-cultural study, to use all of the world’s great traditions to create a composite map, a comprehensive map, an all-inclusive or integral map that included the best elements from all of them?”..our loves will be more simple,risk free,joyful and energetic...every day will be perfect day...
Is it really gonna be THE WORLD'S END..??
Reviewed by Akshay
11:14 PM

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