Who holds it responsible for evolution of life on Earth? Is that Hinduism or Christianity or Simply The Science?
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Recently I met a person with whom I had discussion over some religious topics. This is not the first time that I was a part of a religious debate. In spite of being a science lover there is something that makes me believe in a supernatural power called as GOD. And the same belief makes me become the active speaker of such discussions. Religious debates are endless with simply one massage which almost at all the time is not understood by the debaters. My debate with the person I met ended with the same results. Unlike my expectations, the person till the end was not convinced or agreed with the points I explained. The only thing he was saying is, the evolution of the Earth and life on Earth is nothing but the wish and work of his god belonging to Christianity. Contrarily, I on the other hand kept him explaining how this evolution has been explained by the gods belonging to Hinduism.
"हिंदू" कि "ख्रिश्चन" ? पृथ्वीच्या उत्पत्तीचे श्रेय कोणाला ?
Recently I met a person with whom I had discussion over some religious topics. This is not the first time that I was a part of a religious debate. In spite of being a science lover there is something that makes me believe in a supernatural power called as GOD. And the same belief makes me become the active speaker of such discussions. Religious debates are endless with simply one massage which almost at all the time is not understood by the debaters. My debate with the person I met ended with the same results. Unlike my expectations, the person till the end was not convinced or agreed with the points I explained. The only thing he was saying is, the evolution of the Earth and life on Earth is nothing but the wish and work of his god belonging to Christianity. Contrarily, I on the other hand kept him explaining how this evolution has been explained by the gods belonging to Hinduism.
The Discussion started formally with his question to me “Do u believe in God?” to which I replied an aggressive YES! I too got a positive answer for this from him that, he too does believe in god. Later he asked me the reason for believing in God and defining the God. The answer I gave was very clear and was totally what I think rather than what someone taught me.
I defined god like, “A pure soul having supernatural powers for the good of human beings maintaining all the life cycles in the universe run” and the reason why I believe in god drives me back to my another posts “Do we really believe in god ?” and “Almightygod”. I believe in god because when I see our world which in all possible way is a globe full of diversity. No repetition in anything that is created by nature. But what makes this nature to maintain this diversity from thousands of years of time? And there the answer is, this nature as a whole has to be managed, organized and planned by a Master Mind to which we call GOD.
He was mum and further questioned me, “What according to you makes a God, God? To which I replied following answer which again is completely what I thought. Not necessarily my answer is right but it has come out of my small experience related to my religion i.e. Hinduism.
“The Gods have got the powers and the purity came out of their efforts in gaining the control over their senses by practicing it for years”
Not agreeing to any of my answers, he kept asking me confusing questions like, who from the list of Hindu gods stands the most powerful and perfect god? In spite of being god, how gods of Hindu’s had wars between them? How a killing warrior can be a God? Which god of Hindu’s has lived like a god and helped others? What was the need of so many gods in Hindu religion when there is only one eternal god in Christianity? Did u ever read your Gita and Purana? And so on….
Then he started answering all the answers of above questions related to his religion. He started explaining how Jesus has created this world and died for the sake of goodness of human beings. He explained how Jesus lived a perfect life like what a god should be like. He continued and continued. He was trying to prove how Hinduism is not real and how Christianity is real and true to the concept of GOD.
While he was telling me about the beliefs of Christianity, at many times I found that they are exactly similar like that of Hindu beliefs. I was trying to figure out the similarities between the two religions where as he was busy in proving his religion a real story. We spoke about literatures, Evidences of gods, Good things suggested by the religions. Thanks to the conversation that it added many points to my religious views.
When I found the subject was going more religious I turned the subject to more reality. As he was saying the world and the evolution of life on Earth is just a wish of Christian God. On this I want to say, Being a modern age science student do u think that the evolution of earth really needed a person to happen it? He added to that the Jesus has forecasted about the last day of humans which they call JUDGEMENT DAY. And then again according to him god will come to finish this universe created by him. I then remembered the same stories from Hindu literature that tells about the end of world and life after death.
Thinking with more open mind I then put this into discussion that, even Stephen Hawkins, Einstein along with many other scientists has spoken about where did we come from and how the evolution happened. They are also known with the fact that everything will be finished one day. So if scientist are also forecasting about the Judgment Day then, are they gods? This is a big story. We in modern age have all the proofs and evidences about our evolution. So the question is how that requires any Hindu or Christian god for evolution. ?
This discussion was not just between the person I met and me but rather it is one of the discussions spoken and debated vary frequently by inter-religion personalities or people over the globe. Let us consider the world as one family and take the example of major four religions of the world. I.e. Hinduism, Muslimism, Christianity and Buddhism. These all are very diverse religions. What does this diversity tells us? Is this diversity has just raised and grown up out of the myths telling us to find the reasons to scratch each other and have a war for the differences that we possess ? NO , Off course not. But rather it tells us different ways to lead towards the ultimate aim of mankind. We should stop describing the differences between us and start discussing the similarities to find out the best among all these religions and stories that we have been listening from our childhood.
Gods from all the religions and their literature speaks about the same destination but just the way of travel is different. So what if we put everything on the table whatever we have with us today? What if we make a new way of adapting the cream layer teachings of all the cultures that we know? What if we at least do the only things which do not violate any law either made by the system, by the nature or by our communal beliefs? Yes, off course we can . . . .
Who holds it responsible for evolution of life on Earth? Is that Hinduism or Christianity or Simply The Science?
Reviewed by Akshay
11:52 AM

Hey Good One,
ReplyDeleteHave you ever Read Gita or Puranas or Vedas.
Atleast Read Gita..
I will be always ready to talk to you on this matter
Thanx Deepak..