Mahabalupuram A place 51 Km away from central Chennai.
The place is well known for the amazing Beach and the Beach Temple.
How to reach :
Buses ,Share Autos , and more preferably Bikes are best options for reaching Mahabalipuram.
When to Go :
you can enjoy the place in any season as long u have two or atleast one day holiday.
Panch Rathas :
I visited Mahabalipuram in Nov of 2013.
The first place i visited is called as "Panch Rathas".The place is having five monuments or statues carved out of a single big rock.
Beach :
Unlike Chennai's other beaches , the beach here is cleane and well maintained.
Stone Carving :
One of the best thing one can find here is the extro ordinary stone carving art in the bloods of the local people here.
Even wood carved statues are nice stuff to see.

Mahabalipuram , Tamilnadu
Reviewed by Akshay
5:45 AM

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